Embark on an exhilarating adventure in this captivating game where a stickman, falsely accused and imprisoned, embarks on a relentless journey of self-salvation. Despite the daunting challenges and the long years of confinement, he never loses hope and persists in his efforts to escape. Day after day, year after year, he devises ingenious plans and strategies, driven by the unwavering belief that hope can ultimately set him free. In this tense and thrilling narrative, witness the stickman's indomitable spirit as he finally breathes in the sweet air of freedom.
Embark on an exhilarating adventure in this captivating game where a stickman, falsely accused and imprisoned, embarks on a relentless journey of self-salvation. Despite the daunting challenges and the long years of confinement, he never loses hope and persists in his efforts to escape. Day after day, year after year, he devises ingenious plans and strategies, driven by the unwavering belief that hope can ultimately set him free. In this tense and thrilling narrative, witness the stickman's indomitable spirit as he finally breathes in the sweet air of freedom.
Cut the block drop it to the floor and you can step on the block to get out of the woods